San Jose Toy Show Recap
Remember the good old days when you didn’t have to stress out about pre-ordering comic convention tickets one year ahead of time? Or when you could just show up at a con, wait in a reasonably sized line and go in without worrying that they would reach maximum capacity? It’s hard to believe, but when I first started going to San Diego Comic Con around 2000, I never pre-ordered my ticket and I never camped out for panels the way I do now. It seems like it’s been forever since I went to a con like that. So when I heard about the San Jose Super Toy Show this past weekend, it immediately brought me back to the feeling I had when I was a young adult, attending those small cons that you could only find in the most random places and that you’d only find out about by reading the newspapers.
Going to the Toy Show reminded me of why these small cons are great. First of all, I love toys, action figures, and vintage stuff so going to a toy convention was right up my alley. Secondly, I was excited to actually go to such a specialized event where I didn’t have to think about 5 hour lines or actually getting in! Seeing so many old and new collectibles was like a trip down memory lane and also a reminder that I have collected way too many toys over my lifetime. There were way too many items that recognized from my own personal collection, which are sadly in storage boxes somewhere. And as a “younger” Star Wars Fan, I love getting to see some of the original trilogy collectibles and weird stuff that they made that I’ve only seen pictures of (ROTJ roller skates anyone?). With that, here are some highlights from the show!
One of my purchases – Darth Vader watch with fancy Millenium Falcon watch case.
Another purchase – 1980 ESB tin box (great for jewelry!)
A sea of Transformers!
One of the many card tables. Crazy how you can buy whole sets for so cheap now.
Young Obi-Wan just chillin’.
I found Derpy!
$4300 Amazing Spider-Man #1!!
One of my favorite tables – Godzilla madness!!
I have no use for this, but I think I’m going to hunt one of these down.
Star Wars board game – oodles of fun!
Did you know they made Vader soap? Also, what does a random mini-van have to do with Star Wars? lol.
Also, check out the mini video I made on Vine!

One Comment
This looks like heaven! I adore the atmosphere of smaller cons because usually everyone there is super into and passionate about their fandoms. Plus like you said, you don’t have to wait in super long lines.