Two Days of Madness – Panel Camping at SDCC 2013
I know I always say SDCC gets crazier every year, but it’s totally true. The panels are crazier, the lines are crazier, and it just feels like there are more and more people. My SDCC started out with 2 days of line camping for panels. Given that my must see panel was the X-Files reunion in Ballroom 20 and fear that it might be the Firefly panel all over again, I woke up bright at early at 4am on Thursday and headed down to the line. Thinking that most people would be camping for Ballroom 20, I was surprised to find out that people were also there just to get into the exhibit hall and even just to get special tickets in order to have the ability to buy toys. I mean, I knew buying exclusives was hard, but never thought people would camp out for them! I even saw people camping out just to pick up their badges! Basically, the convention center looked like a homeless center.
Getting in line at 4:30 AM.
Always nice to see the sunrise!
Ballroom 20 panel pics (Thursday)
As for day 2 of panel camping, by then I had not caught up on sleep at all, but had an awesome husband who willingly got in line at 3:30 for us. I joined him at 5AM (thank goodness for the super comfy camping chairs we picked up before the trip down south) and we were luckily able to get into Hall H for Veronica Mars, Kick Ass 2, Vin Diesel, The Walking Dead, and of course the one everyone was waiting for – Game of Thrones. I actually heard that people who were in line around 5 and even 5:30 didn’t make it into Hall H, which is exactly what I mean when I say line camping gets crazier every year!! Although I was barely awake for many of the panels, I did get to enjoy Hall H for the most part. On with the pics!
Pretty cool view of the harbor at 5AM!
Hall H panel pics (Friday)
So who else caught their must see panels? What was your Hall H or Ballroom 20 experience?

One Comment
Tali Stein
Vin Diesel is a giant geek and I love that about him so much. Ah, line camping. But that early! That chair was clearly a good investment. *Freaks out about Veronica Mars some more*
Question, because for all the comic guides, etc I haven’t seen this: people spend the entire day in Hall H. Like, can you run out and run back in when the lines are so crazy? Do people just not leave? In which case bathrooms? What if you have your con buddy outside, can you get them in? BURNING QUESTIONS!