Wondercon 2014 – Battle For Multicultural Heroes Panel
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that I typically write up a little recap after every convention I attend including photos, panels I went to, and just general con-fun. What makes this post extra special to me was that instead of just attending panels, I was actually in one! I’m still pretty amazed that Tony Kim (founder of Crazy4ComicCon) asked me to be in his Battle for Multicultural Heroes panel and although I was quite nervous leading up to it, once I saw a few words, all the nerves completely went away. We discussed everything from being honest about ethnic stereotypes in comics and movies, personal experiences growing up, and even if cosplays should be based on race and gender. I loved the audience interaction as well because it really felt more like a discussion among the whole room and not just the panel. Tony also did a great job moderating as he brought up some really thought provoking examples of stereotyping while also keeping the discussion fun, but under control. Andre (Black Nerd Comedy) kept us laughing the whole time while being very honest about the reality of society and “the industry” while Andrea (Arkham Asylum Doc) left us pondering with her calming voice and analytical insights. And to top it all off, I witnessed a surprise wedding proposal at the end when an audience member asked “one last question”! So all in all, BEST-PANEL-EVER!!! Here are a few pics from the panel with full Wondercon recap coming soon!
It’s not often you see Sonic having a conversation with Robin.
Tony giving me a pep talk. J/K sorta ;)
Left side of the room giving the right side the evil eye. Our room was packed and this is just one side of it!
What other panel ends with a proposal??
Panelists (L to R): Tony Kim, Andrea Letamendi, me, Andre Meadows

Amazing! Sounds like you did great in your first panel. Congrats!
Thank you! And thanks for the continuing support!
Sean L
awesome! congrats on being part of a panel!