Wondercon Cosplay Updates!
It’s definitely been too long since my last blog, but if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll know that I’ve been hard at work on my Honey Lemon (from Big Hero 6) cosplay for Wondercon! You might think that after seeing Big Hero 6, it might make more sense to cosplay as “the asian girl” (Go Go Tamago), but honestly, I identified way more with Honey Lemon. She love science, she’s dorky, tall and lanky, and is a bit of a fashionista, which made all of that the perfect fit for me!
Having worked on massive cosplays where I’ve slept on average 5 hours a night for weeks at a time (ie. Ornstein from Dark Souls), I definitely didn’t want to put myself in that situation again. Just as a comparison, I built my Ornstein armor in about 6 weeks and for this cosplay, I gave myself about 8 weeks for something half as complex. I wanted to make sure I could casually work nights and weekends on this instead of pulling 15 hours Saturdays and sleeping at 3am every day!
The first piece I decided to tackle was the helmet. I would say that Honey Lemon’s helmet is probably the key component to this costume and I wanted to make sure I could spend a lot of time on it. A lot of blood, sweat, tears, and stress went into getting this as smooth and seamless as possible and even though it still has flaws, it’s getting there!
It made sense for all of the armor to be built in eva foam so I went that route. Definitely a big fan of eva foam since it’s light weight and pretty durable!
Here’s the armor finally getting in a good place to be painted!
It took me forever to find the perfect material for her dress since I knew I wanted it to be a shiny vinyl spandex type of material. After receiving something like 15 fabric samples, I have to say, man, there are a lot of different shades of fuchsia! I ended up settling on this one even though it’s not a perfect match. Of course this drove me nuts since I am usually one for accuracy in terms of costume design. :P
I was actually really looking forward to making Honey’s purse since I’ve never made a purse before and hers has so much going on! Here’s the base using a faux orange pleather material.
I also started designing her heart screen in Photoshop, which was really fun. I haven’t looked at a periodic table in forever and I definitely used one as reference. lol.
I even hand stitched the cute little bear (and it’s butt) that sticks out of the purse!
Of course, a couple of late nights result in much procrastination and photos such as these. :P
Anyhow, be sure to follow me on Instagram to follow my progress pics and hope to see you at Wondercon!

You’ve done a fantastic job! I can’t wait to see photos!
Nina Penalosa
I can’t wait to see how your Honey Lemon cosplay turns out! As much as I love Go Go, I totally identified with Honey Lemon a lot more too. Glad to know I’m not the only Asian girl out there that feels the same way! :D
shyanne donlin
Whatwebsite did you use to creat the heart screen?
I just looked at images from the movie.
I’m planning a honey lemon costume for my daughter and loved your choice of vinyl and the purse. Can you share your sources, please?
I believe I got the stretch vinyl from spandex world. The purse leather, I found at a local fabric store. Good luck!
Your costume is AWESOME!! ??? Can you please please please share how you made the helmet and what is it made out of? I’m starting to work on my sons Baymax costume and I can’t figure out how to start the helmet, I will be Go Go, so I need to work on a helmet of my own! Please help! ??
The helmet is made of eva foam. I’ll do my best to get a tutorial out soon! :)
Awesome…. If I pay you could you make one for my daughter for Halloween? Just the purse and helmet? I’m afraid I’m not that creative. She would love it!
Sorry, I’m not taking commissions for Honey Lemon right now as the purse and helmet took around 15-20 hours of labor and I just don’t have the time. I can tell you that the helmet is made of Eva foam though and there are lots of youtube tutorials that talk about eva foam armor and helmets. Good luck!
Is there anyway you could send me the honey lemon purse heart I have been working on a honey lemon costume and have been having trouble with that aspect
This is actually available on my Etsy Store.