Thank You, WonderCon!

While I’m still recovering from WonderCon (cough, cough *con flu*), I wanted to write some quick thoughts about how awesome of a time I had down in Anaheim this weekend. Cosplay has really changed my life and I’m sure some of you other cosplayers have felt it, but there are definitely times when you’re up late at night, touching up some part of a shoe that no one in their right mind would even notice and you’re thinking, “What the heck am I doing and why am I doing this?!” Even though I do it for the love of the craft first and foremost, there are definitely times I get hard on myself or feel like I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Since so much of our lives are online these days, sometimes it’s just a matter of experiencing people’s reactions in person that really encourages me to keep going at it. I was so encouraged by the kids who came up asking to take photos with me or how many people came by to say hi and let me know that they read my teeny tiny blog or have been following my progress on Instagram while making this Honey Lemon cosplay. I guess I’m just trying to saying that I am super thankful to all the friends out there who have supported me on this cosplay journey so yeah… THANKS! Much love to you guys! <:)

Every single time I put together a cosplay, I ALWAYS get the “Ugh why am I even doing this?!” breakdown. There hasn’t been a single time that hasn’t happened! Haha. I think I actually cried a few times. In the end it ends up being worth it and fun.
Your Honey Lemon turned out awesome!
Thanks! I’ll miss you at celebration!! Yeah, sometimes I am so frustrated at myself when I’m making stuff. Or my plan doesn’t work out the way I thought it would, you know? Lessons learned I guess! It’s great knowing other people go through the same thing! We need to keep each other motivated!
You look adorable!
Joie Fatale
Your Honey Lemon is fantastic! Perfect!
She is such a cute character!