Star Wars Celebration Anaheim – Recap!
I still can’t believe that it was only about 4 days ago that I was posting about how excited I was about Star Wars Celebration, the new The Force Awakens trailer, and just wanting to be around all the masses of Star Wars fans. I knew that right after seeing the trailer, I felt a wave of regret for not going to the event and by Friday morning, I was already thinking about the possibility of even going at the last minute. Well, with a bit of convincing, some internet luck, and Sunday tickets still available, we hopped in our car Friday night and made our way down south to Celebration Anaheim for the weekend! Woo hoo!!
Even though the weekend went by so fast (we literally left the con right when the doors closed and hopped back in the car to drive 6 hours back home last night), I absolutely have no regrets going. My only wish was that I could have gone Friday or Saturday in order to hunt down more of the merchandise before it all sold out! I think the biggest thing worth seeing (besides maybe the opening welcome panel) was The Force Awakens exhibit where they had actual costumes and props from the movie. However, the wait was painfully long at almost 4.5 hours, but once inside, it’s like we completely forgot about how long we had waited and I just felt like a kid in a candy store, trying to take it all in. I even met some really cool people in line and we bonded quickly over our love for Star Wars. It just seemed fitting that we take a group selfie to commemorate the last 4 hours of torture together. :)

Having gone to the last Celebration in LA back in 2006, which was a little bit lacking in content in my opinion, I was definitely blown away by how much it has grown since then. There were lots of amazing sets to take photos with, cool new merchandise, hard core costumes, and I think the best part for me was just being around so many Star Wars fans. I have never seen so many varieties of Star Wars shirts in my life and you could just feel the Star Wars love around the con. On with the photos!
Some of the awesome sets:
Friends and OMG these costumes!
As you can see, one day was just not enough! But either way, it is a great time to be a fan and it’s only going to get better (I hope)! Oh! And if you’re wondering, “Why didn’t you cosplay??”, it’s because I knew I would only be there for one day and want to see everything. Even though I love cosplaying and stopping for photos, any cosplayer knows that you barely see the floor while in costume (especially a popular one). I figured “casual Han” was just enough to feel like I was in costume, but not really. ;)

That stuffed wampa is so cute! <3 Who makes them?
Hallmark! I think they sold a limited number at the show, but they’re probably be in stores later this year.