San Diego Comic-Con 2015 Recap – BEST CON EVER!
In my expert opinion, it takes about 8 days to get over SDCC. You spend about 2-3 days being dead tired and pretty depressed. You’ve not only walked 10 times more than you normally do, but you’ve left this place of stimulation overload and gone back to sitting at a desk trying to figure out how to do your job again. This is also known as “con depression”. Or on a side note, maybe you’ve caught “con flu”, in which you’ll be sick for the next 7 days. After a few days of con depression, you start to reminisce about how much fun you had. You look at photos, admire your new purchases, and talk with your friends about how crazy it was to camp out for Hall H. Then you realize that at this exact time last week, you were at freaking Comic-Con, the craziest con of them all! You can’t believe it’s been a whole week since SDCC and by day 7 or 8, you’re sadly almost back to your normal routine. You would think that with this year being my 15th or so SDCC, con depression wouldn’t phase me, but I have to admit, this year’s depression was especially bad because I had by far my best Comic-Con EVER!! I almost feel like I should just quit while I’m ahead, but we all know that’s not going to happen. I feel really blessed to have had such an amazing and epic experience so you can see why 10 days later, I’m still talking about it!
As you know, my first order of business for SDCC was the Her Universe Fashion Show, which you can read about here. However, with Friday’s crazy triple threat of The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and The Force Awakens all in Hall H, I had no idea how I was going to rehearse for the Her Universe Fashion Show, do the show Thursday night, and camp out for everything! I really didn’t think it wasn’t going to be possible, but with some good planning and a lot of help from some awesome friends, I was somehow able to just make it.

At first, Friday’s Hall H was pretty typical. We watched some really great animated shorts, saw the cast of Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and got a chance to check out some upcoming shows. All of that was awesome, but I knew everyone in the room was there for the same reason I was – for the 5:30 pm panel for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the fact that we had just waited about 35 hours for this moment, but when JJ Abrams came out and shared a new behind the scenes clip, the tears started coming and they just didn’t stop. We got to see new set photos, watched “Babajo” walk out on stage, and see more character reveals, especially ones from the “dark side”! That could have easily been the end of the panel, but then out came Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, and Harrison Ford. O-M-G! I couldn’t believe I was in the same room as Harrison Ford! And just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, JJ announced that he was taking the entire Hall H outside for a surprise concert. I was overwhelmed with tears of joy as we filed out to the waterfront, received our free lightsabers and waved them around to the music of Star Wars played by the San Diego Symphony. This was truly a dream come true for a life long fan and I’m so thankful to JJ Abrams for really giving us fans such an amazing experience.

By Saturday morning, I woke up feeling like it had all been a dream. I replayed all of the events that happened on Friday, still in awe that my friends and I got to experience something like that. I could have just gone home happy at that point, but we still had a Conan show to go to! I had been lucky enough to score tickets to Saturday’s Conan taping with the cast of X-Men Apocalypse so most of my Saturday was spent attending the taping and also getting to take a spin on Rey’s “popsicle” bike at the Star Wars booth. Huge thanks to Stefan for letting me take a ride!

The rest of my time on the con floor was seriously a blast as I made it my mission to get some key exclusives this year, especially the Black Series First Order Stormtrooper. I still can’t believe I got my hands on that in addition to a few other favorites (Pinkie Pie Chicken!). Huge thanks to all my friends for such a great team effort this year collecting exclusives, camping out, and just making this con so epic!! You know who you are! I’m already looking forward to next year!

Loved reading this post, Emily!
This was your 15th and very best… well, this was my best one too… oh wait, my FIRST! =P
Seriously, I haven’t had this much fun in a span of 4 consistent days ever in my life… I told Mindy I will be the BEST HUSBAND ever just so she can let me come back again next year lol
I’ll also be rolling up my sleeves, perhaps buy a sewing machine, and work on that bucket list experience of cosplaying for my first time. I’m really excited :) I feel like the geek in me has finally been unleashed and I have a whole year to prepare. Woo hoo!
That’s awesome!! Glad you had fun. You can join our camping out group next year!! haha. I can’t believe this was your first. It’s like you finally found your people. :)
Where is your AT-AT necklace from? i love it :)
It’s from Unpossible Cuts!