Cosplay Cure
We’ve all heard the phrase “When life gives you lemons… you make lemonade!” Well, for me, I’ve been given some lemons lately. Without getting too much into it, I’ve hit a few bumps in the road with health stuff and even though I was pretty down for a few days, I decided to pick myself back up and do something fun to get my mind off things. So when life gives me lemons, I cosplay! Parappa the Rappa is still one of my favorite games from the Playstation 1 and also one of the few games that I haven’t been able to beat! >:( Who can forget such memorable lines such as “Kick! Punch! It’s all in the mind!” and “Do you know why we stopped the car? I forgot to close the door.” Fortunately for me, I happened to have all of these items lying around the house, the key piece being Parappa’s beanie, which I scored at a con many many years ago! I know everyone cosplays for different reasons, but I think those that do can all agree on one thing – that it lifts our spirits and makes us happy! I GOTTA BELIEVE!

Crystal Clark (@geekpinata)
PaRappa was my first PlayStation game, I STILL love it. You are right, it was tough to beat. I don’t remember how the hell I pulled it off tbh.
I’ve been wanting that beanie so bad! Such a fun and comfortable cosplay. :) Sorry to hear about health woes. Hope everything is ok. <3
Haha, yeah, I pretty much had everything lying around, which was great! Or I have too much stuff…
Thanks for the well wishes! I’ll be posting about it soon I’m sure…