Happy Force Friday!
There has been an awakening for sure. For the past week, you may have been sensing the force growing stronger and stronger – emails and flyers with “Force Friday” plastered everywhere – even at your local Starbucks and Bed Bath Beyond! Well, today we welcomed the very first Force Friday ever! Woo hoo! Last night, I had a blast being first in line and camping out at my local Toys R Us. I’m not one of those people who made a checklist of things to buy, however, I did have some idea of what I wanted. But in reality, any plans that I had made pretty much went out the door once those doors opened at 12:01 and we were on our way to the Star Wars aisle. My mindset was really just to pick up “whatever I thought looked cool” from Legos, to the Black Series, Pop toys and even random 12″ Stormtroopers.
Overall, I ended up waiting around 7 hours in line (minus a decent dinner break) and met some really cool people along the way. It was great bonding over our favorite toys, sharing the pain over what to do with all our worthless Phantom Menace toys, and even sharing mini slideshows of photos from other cons. This really got me thinking about days when I used to camp out for the Star Wars movies (both the re-releases and the prequels) when I had so much fun bonding with strangers over our love for Star Wars!
Here’s a little view of the line!
What have I done?!
Think we bought enough? :D

That’s a nice haul you got there!
Nina Penalosa
Nice haul! I’m super jelly of your black series Stormtrooper! I went to Target at midnight and the Disney Store at 8am the next day… actually, I went to 3 different Targets and 2 Disney Stores in the span of 1 day. RIDICULOUS! But I think I got some good stuff :D