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Sweet Music

Everyday Cosplay Guardians of the Galaxy Jacket

Speaking of good health, I just had my 3 month check up yesterday and I’m happy to say that all is well! I was actually quite nervous going into the appointment (going to the doctors pretty much every 2 weeks for 6 months will do that to you) and I was even dreading that moment I knew I had to step on that scale for my “official” weight! Eek! Well, I’m happy to report I lost about 9 pounds since my last visit (HOORAY!), my blood work was normal, and my oncologist thinks I’m handling my current medication pretty well. I felt such a huge relief that I just wanted to celebrate for the rest of the day by wearing something super upbeat like this Guardians of the Galaxy inspired outfit! :D I know this is one of many check ups in my lifetime, but for me, it was the first step towards the future.

Everyday Cosplay Guardians of the Galaxy Outfit Everyday Cosplay Guardians of the Galaxy Outfit Everyday Cosplay Guardians of the Galaxy Starlord Jacket Everyday Cosplay Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Tape Shirt Everyday Cosplay Guardians of the Galaxy Outfit

The Goods:

  • Faux Red Leather Jacket (Forever 21, similar here and here)
  • Mix Tape Tee (Fresco Press, buy here)
  • Denim Cut Offs (vintage, similar here and here)
  • Jewelry: Cassette Tape Necklace (Unpossible Cuts), Leather Band Watch (Nixon), Ear Cuffs (Sam Edelman)
  • Converse Sneakers (buy here)


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