Endgame Game
In case you’re still reading this blog, first of all – thank you! I realize that I have barely been posting this past year and I’m so grateful if you’re still here with me! Part of the reason I started posting less was that it was just so time consuming (blogging really is a labor of love) and on top of that, I actually just felt less inspired to post outfits. Maybe the over saturation of geek fashion or just not seeing anything interesting to wear made me want to take a little break, who knows?
Well, I can’t say that “I’m back” or that I’ll be posting a ton from now on, but I’ve definitely felt super excited and super inspired recently with Avengers: Endgame being released this past week. I won’t say much because I personally HATE knowing anyone’s opinion about a movie before I see it. I will only say (AND THIS IS YOUR WARNING TO STOP READING) that I was super excited to see it and I had an amazing experience watching it, especially because I barely knew anything about the movie prior to watching. I can’t wait to see it again and till then, you can easily find me wearing any of all of the Marvel stuff that I own. Happy watching!
The Goods:

One Comment
Avengers endgame leather jacket
Nice Blog You has very cool styles of jacket but that Avengers Endgame Leather Jacket looks Best.