Meet Me on Canto Bight

The moment the ladies over at Galactic Coven told me about the virtual “Galactic Coven Gala” outfit challenge, I was already in my head rummaging through every formal thing I could possibly wear. As a way to celebrate what would have been the end of Star Wars Celebration weekend, I was thrilled to have an excuse to put together some dressy and Star Wars since that’s pretty rare these days.
After looking through my selection of formal attire, I realized that all signs were pointing to the dark side. I ended up throwing on a very old prom dress (Jessica McClintock anyone?) and used a ruffle from a skirt as a makeshift one shoulder caplet.

I knew that my hair and makeup would need to be more extreme so I used lots of bright purple eyeshadow and mixed some purple-ish + dark red lipstick. I even put some purple eyeshadow on my cheeks to try to get more of an effect. With the hair, I started out with some braids and just winged it. I was initially trying to do a wrap braid (similar to Leia’s hair in ROTJ), but ended up doing braided buns followed by some braided loops, which also reminded me of Leia in ESB.
Not bad for something that I threw together in 20 minutes!

One Comment
Gorgeous :D!!