Visions of the Past
I knew from the moment I watched the first episode of WandaVision that this was going a unique show. I’ve been loving “traveling” through TV time and visiting all the decades of TV sitcoms. And despite what people said about the black and white episodes being “boring”, I found them pretty hilarious, especially because they brought me back to days when I would watch I Love Lucy as part of my regular summer morning routine. The mystery around the show and the moments of Wanda’s “awakenings” really made me want more (and also gave me major House of M vibes). Plus seeing all the fashions totally inspired me to create my own 50s look. I’ve always been a huge fan of vintage looks, but if you know me, I’m just too lazy to put in the effort to get that great hair. This one took me quite a long time, but I followed Pinup Palmer’s tutorial and it was a breeze (soft of). Make sure you zoom in for some fun easter eggs I included in the pics!
Shop the Look

Jasmine H
I love how you did the first few photos! They reminded me of the show immediately <3
Thank you! They were fun to edit!