Bringing Balance to the Force
I’m on a roll with fun skirts and it’s been much too long since I’ve worn this Star Wars skirt, made out of the original vintage bed sheets! I made this skirt a few years back and it’s been gathering way too much dust! Although there are quite a few licensed Star Wars fabrics, this is still by far my favorite one since it looks more like a painting and a little less “cartoony”. However, being a very eye-catching print,…
Braver Days
Despite the outfits that I post on this blog, I don’t always like to wear super eye-catching things on a regular basis. Take for example this fabulous “Kaboom” skirt from Top Shop. Since I’ve had it, I’ve probably only worn it 3-4 times (sadly decreasing the “value per wear”, but that’s another story). I also have to admit that I have not even mustered up the courage to wear this to work yet! Maybe one day, but for now, this…
Not Superstitious
I’m generally not a superstitious person, but sometimes my culture can get the best of me. Yesterday was Chinese New Year and as traditions go, whatever you do on the first day of the new year is supposed to determine the rest of your year, which is usually why some people will take the day off or maybe just taking it easy that day. Although I don’t really believe in this superstition, it still crosses my mind throughout the day…
Roses are Red
Valentine’s Day may have just passed, but I sense with all the extra Valentine’s candy that’s been showing up at work, love might still be in the air? Even though I purchased this skirt back in December, it was practically screaming to be worn around Valentine’s Day with all the red and pink floral. Paired with another “love” of mine, it’s the perfect romance of Star Wars and fashion!
What to Wear: Valentine’s Day Edition
Valentine’s Day can be one of those holidays that’s both dreaded and loved. There’s the pressure of finding the perfect gift, planning a romantic evening, and sometimes just finding someone to make plans with! With enough to think about during this time of year, hopefully there’s one thing that you won’t have to worry too much about – and that’s the question of what to wear! Today’s I’ve partnered with Tee Fury to bringing you not one, but six fun…
Not So Plane
Today’s shirt is especially fitting not only because I’m a big fan of cute prints, but also because by the time you read this post, I will probably be on a plane heading to Hawaii! It’s been too long since I took a tropical vacation and I can’t wait to lie on the beach with a drink in one hand and a good book in the other. I’ve already got a 5 page list of places to eat so if…