What time is it? Adventure Time!
If there’s any cartoon that you might consider watching as an adult, I would definitely recommend Adventure Time. Its about Finn (the human) and Jake (the dog) and the sometimes weird and random adventures that they go on. I don’t know where the writers come up with some of the stuff on that show, but I can’t help but love the creativity they bring to it. And with Halloween coming up and me in the super crafty mood, I decided…
Ready For Adventure
People deal with stress in many different ways. Besides retail therapy, which I truly believe works, I will once in a while just lock myself in a room for an entire weekend and play video games. I recently had one of those weekends and decided that my game of choice was going to be the original Uncharted. I have been a huge fan of the Uncharted series (read my review of Uncharted 3 here), but had never played the first installment in…
Han Solo Cosplay Tutorial: Han’s Belt Buckles and Accessories (Part 3 of 3)
Photo by three mirrors. Copyright © 2012. *NOTE* To skip to other tutorials for this cosplay, check out the links below! Pants and Shirt Vest Holster and Belt Woo hoo! The last of my Han Solo cosplay tutorials! This post will cover adding the rivets on to the belt and holster as well as the hardware accessories, including the gun.
Han Solo Cosplay Tutorial: Han’s Belt and Holster (Part 2.5 of 3)
*NOTE* To skip to other tutorials for this cosplay, check out the links below! Pants and Shirt Vest Belt Buckles, Accessories and Gun Apologies that this belt tutorial is going to come in two parts, but I just found that there is so much to go over! This tutorial will cover most of the leather parts and what pattern I used for Han Solo’s gun holster and belt.
Han Solo Cosplay Tutorial: Han’s Vest (Part 2 of 3)
Photo by Victor Gamez Copyright © 2012 Victor Gamez. All rights reserved. View full set here. *NOTE* To skip to other tutorials for this cosplay, check out the links below! Pants and Shirt Holster and Belt Belt Buckles, Accessories and Gun I knew that the key to a convincing vest was finding the right type of material. I decided to hit up some thrift shops and just see what was out there. Specifically, I was looking for something in a stiff black fabric…
Han Solo Cosplay Tutorial: The Shirt and Pants (Part 1 of 3)
*NOTE* To skip to other tutorials for this cosplay, check out the links below! Vest Holster and Belt Belt Buckles, Accessories and Gun *Also, due to popular demand, you can custom order your own shirt here in my Etsy store!* Cosplaying as Han Solo was a blast. Not only was I comfortable wearing the cosplay all day, but I received some extremely nice compliments from my handiwork. I never thought wearing such a conservative cosplay outfit would result in so…