Master of My Universe
As most ’80s kids remember, there were a few staple cartoons that everyone watched back in the day – G.I.Joe, Transformers, Thunder Cats, and definitely He-Man just to name a few. I was obsessed with He-Man (and She-Ra) back in the day and I especially remember the shocking soap opera moment when you first found out that She-Ra was He-Man’s sister! O-M-G. My life was forever changed. :) So you can see why I was super excited to find this…
Star Wars Celebration Anaheim – Recap!
I still can’t believe that it was only about 4 days ago that I was posting about how excited I was about Star Wars Celebration, the new The Force Awakens trailer, and just wanting to be around all the masses of Star Wars fans. I knew that right after seeing the trailer, I felt a wave of regret for not going to the event and by Friday morning, I was already thinking about the possibility of even going at the…
Celebrating Star Wars
Star Wars Celebration just kicked off and even though I am dying to be there, I’m just going to have to be there in spirit. I mean, how awesome was it that they live streamed the Star Wars: The Force Awakens panel with JJ Abrams and showed us the new trailer? I don’t know about you, but watching the panel, seeing more on set photos, being introduced to BB8 and then seeing the second trailer just made my day literally…
Cosplay Showcase – Arkham City Robin
I’m super excited and honored to be Batman Arkham‘s cosplay showcase feature today! I also did a pretty lengthy interview with them as well where I talk about why I chose this cosplay, some of the challenges I faced, and cosplay in general. I know I never really got around to doing a write up of my Arkham City Robin, so hopefully this is the next best thing! Big thanks to Liam at Rocksteady Studios for the interview, Pat Loika and Estrada…
Thank You, WonderCon!
While I’m still recovering from WonderCon (cough, cough *con flu*), I wanted to write some quick thoughts about how awesome of a time I had down in Anaheim this weekend. Cosplay has really changed my life and I’m sure some of you other cosplayers have felt it, but there are definitely times when you’re up late at night, touching up some part of a shoe that no one in their right mind would even notice and you’re thinking, “What the…
Wondercon Panel – Geeks Keepin It Hot!
Wondercon is just around the corner and I’ve been invited to be on another fun panel this year! Join me and fellow geeks as we battle it out in the “Geeks Keepin’ It Hot” panel – Saturday, April 4, 3PM in the Elite Ballroom. I’ve never seen a panel like this so you won’t want to miss it! Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter! The Stylish Geek @embiguous Tony Kim @Crazy4ComicCon Amy Ratcliffe @amy_geek Chris Gore @ThatChrisGore Ivy Doom Kitty @IvyDoomKitty…