Going to E3 2013 and What to Wear – The Stylish Geek Edition
When I first read this Forbes article on what to wear for E3, I was pretty disappointed. I admit that the outfit with the blazer plus company/gaming/geek tee was a great idea, though not the exact pieces I might have chosen. But going sort of “punk” to a S.T.E.A.M. Punk (Science.Technology. Engineering, Art, Math) E3 party was ridiculous. The writer obviously didn’t do her research (probably because she didn’t know steampunk was a “thing”) and it was offensive to geeks…
Another Year, Another Disneyland Outfit
I’m finally back and recovered from Disneyland! I’m also sadly one year older. Sigh! Attempting 24 hours at Disneyland was crazy. I think we ended up spending something like 16 hours there, and even though we didn’t survive the entire 24 hours (we only made it until 3am), I had a blast! Parades at midnight, breakfast burritos, dance parties, TV crews, and people dressed up in costumes and even in their pajamas! It was an amazing experience, but I will…
We Want Star Wars Weekends!
For someone who lives a 6 hour drive away from LA, I am pretty sure I frequent Disneyland more than the average person in the Bay Area. Estimating something like 2 times a year for the past 10+ years, I’d say I’ve been there quite a lot, almost to the point where I must go at least once a year. And for the first time in my life, I am an annual pass holder, which means Disneyland all year round!! Woo hoo!…
Cosplay Gallery Updates!
I finally got around to editing and adding pics of my Nathan Drake and Zombie Princess Bubblegum cosplay! I have such great memories wearing both of these to Wondercon. With Drake, it meant so much to me when people noticed my leather craftsmanship and shared their love of Uncharted with me. For PB, I loved that kids would point to me and say “It’s Princess Bubblegum!!” and sometimes get a little scared once seeing that I had a zombie face.…
Big Wow Comic Fest 2013 Recap
I knew that Big Wow Comic Fest was going to be pretty fun, but I have to say I had a blast. Like Yoda says, “Size matters not” and even though Big Wow is a smaller con, they really brought it this year with some awesome guests and fun panels. Seriously, how often do you get to meet people like J.Scott Campbell and Stan Lee, but without the enormous lines? Or even sit front row to watch Adam Hughes or…
Big Wow Comic Fest 2013
I know the weekend just passed, but if you don’t have any plans NEXT weekend, definitely check out Big Wow Comic Fest down in San Jose. I went for the first time last year and this year is already looking to be even better than the last, with more cosplay panels, lots of special guests such as J.Scott Campbell, Frank Cho, Travis Charest, Adam Hughes, and even Stan Lee! And Big Wow is doing something that I’ve never witnessed before…