Super Hero Summer
Happy Friday! Wearing one of my favorite tanks that just came back in stock – the “I Only Date Super Heroes” tank top! And coincidentally enough, I’m also wearing almost all Forever 21 clothes in this post. I may not be 21 anymore, but their clothes are seriously fun and soo affordable that I’d be surprised if there are any women out there who don’t own something from that store! But buyers be warned – you definitely have to be…
Happy Star Wars Day! (And Free Comic Book Day too!)
The title says it all. Happy Star Wars Day! I love May 4th because it just gives you an excuse to re-watch your favorite Star Wars episode and wear your favorite Star Wars tee. Wait, I guess I do that every once in a while anyways. I guess it also gives you reasoning to be able to talk about Star Wars all day long and force your friends to listen to it. How about that? On top of that, what…
Geekify Your Home
If there’s one thing about geeks, it’s that they love their fan art. One of my favorite things to check out at cons is the Artist Alley and you can guarantee that I will always come home with at least one new piece of art. But it doesn’t stop there. I was recently exploring Society6.com only to find that they now make printed pillow cases! So not only can you hang your geeky art, but you can cozy up to…
8-bit Fun
It’s amazing how a nearly 20 year old gaming console can make you so happy. Suddenly feeling nostalgic on a Sunday afternoon, I decided to break out my NES, complete with 7 whole games. A very sad and unimpressive collection, I know, but don’t judge a gamer by their gaming collection. Games were pretty expensive back then! I mean, can you believe I still paid almost $30 for Caveman Games in 1990?? But just like how I completed Tomb Raider…
It was love at first sight when I saw this skirt. Something about the old style comics with their red, yellows, blacks, and bright blues seems to never go out of style. The iconic blue eyes of the blonde haired woman who always seemed to be in a tragic state is such a familiar piece of art, which I believe is based off of Roy Lichtenstein’s art (can anyone confirm?) Regardless, I love that this skirt brings so much life and “pop”…
Tomb Raider (2013) – A Review
Being sick sometimes has it’s advantages. No one wants to be around you, you have a legit reason for not attending events, and better yet, you get to stay home in your PJs and catch up on video games. I have been looking forward to Tomb Raider (2013) ever since it was announced and having con-flu seemed like the perfect excuse to finally get started. Although I knew of Lara Croft, who is probably the most iconic female video character out…