It’s Caturday!
It’s hard to go through winter without feeling like you’re wearing the same drab colored sweaters over and over. I have a tendency to buy tons of grey and neutral colored sweaters and eventually start feeling like my winter wardrobe is extremely boring. So this year, I’ve vowed to invest in more interesting and fun sweaters, starting with this one! I knew I would be in trouble the moment that I saw Topshop being sold at Nordstrom since now I…
DIY: Adventure Time Finn Backpack Tutorial
Although I didn’t intend on dressing up as Finn for Halloween, after I made the Finn hat, I just couldn’t stop. I mean, what’s a Finn hat without a handy Finn backpack? This minimal costume/cosplay was fun to make, fun to wear, and I can’t wait to wear it to my next con! With that, here’s a lengthy tutorial on how to make your own Finn backpack.
Here Comes The Spider-Man
Just when you thought winter was coming, in comes a splash of summer again. I’ve been wanting to wear this Spider-Man tank top for the longest time and now have reason due to the unexpected warm weather. I still can’t believe that it’s going to be 80 degrees today, but with crazy weather like hurricane Sandy, I guess what can you expect?
New Cosplay! Adventure Time with Female Finn
Even if you’re not familiar with the awesome cartoon known as Adventure Time, pretty soon you’ll come across the weird and adorable characters from the show. I was initially only going to make a Finn hat for fun, but ended up making the backpack and putting together the whole get up just in time for Halloween. You may ask why I did a female Finn cosplay instead of just being Fiona? Well, I’m not sure. Maybe I will be Fiona…
Zombie Face!
This year for Halloween, I decided to be Finn by day (pics to come) and a scary zombie doll by night. I had never experimented with special effects makeup before so I was really excited to give it a try. The only things I used in this look were scar putty, face paint, and regular eye shadows. Using scar putty was definitely very cool although the brand I got was super duper sticky and not that easy to mold. And…
Two-Face Pumpkin
Another weekend, another pumpkin! I was racking my brain on this one for a while and was seriously having major “carver’s block”. After flipping through a DC character guide and remembering Meagan Marie’s recent pics in her cross gender Two-Face cosplay, I suddenly felt inspired to do a Two-Face pumpkin. I carved this during game 3 of the World Series and finished just in time to see the Giants make it to Game 4 (GO GIANTS!!). Anyhow, enjoy these progress…