Halloween Town
“Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” – Mean Girls You know how they say girls use Halloween as an excuse to dress like sluts? Well, I use Halloween as an excuse to dress extra weird. I mean, I guess I could say the same thing about cosplay, but Halloween is definitely a time where I can be super creepy looking as well. Today’s look is an outfit-costume hybrid…
What time is it? Adventure Time!
If there’s any cartoon that you might consider watching as an adult, I would definitely recommend Adventure Time. Its about Finn (the human) and Jake (the dog) and the sometimes weird and random adventures that they go on. I don’t know where the writers come up with some of the stuff on that show, but I can’t help but love the creativity they bring to it. And with Halloween coming up and me in the super crafty mood, I decided…
Zombie Weekend
Around this time of year, I get into a super crafty mood. But as a semi-part-time cosplayer, I am surprisingly not making costumes before Halloween. My main event in October is carving pumpkins. I started getting into this a few years ago when I saw a friend take it to a whole new level. Since then, I’ve tried to challenge myself year after year to make something more fun, more scary, or more crazy. And since I had such a…
DIY: Tuxedo Pants Tutorial
You may have noticed in my last post that I was wearing some fancy tuxedo pants! I had been searching for a cute pair of tuxedo stripe pants for a while now when suddenly, I had a thought – “Why not make them myself?”. I mean, I pretty much already made a pair for my Han Solo cosplay this summer so modifying these jeans seemed like cake.
Ewok Village
If you’ve been following this blog for a while now, you may notice that there are certain looks that I generally stay away from. The boho (bohemian/hippie) look is one of them. But when it comes to fashion, you can really never say never because once in a while you will find an unexpected piece that will make you cross that line. Free People is known for their ultra boho pieces and their New Romantics clothing line will once in…
Super Friends Forever!
It’s always a challenge to find new ways to wear graphic tees and today I decided to try something new. I’ve never been one to wear collared shirts under v-neck sweaters, but decided to try wearing one of my sleeveless collared shirts underneath this awesome Super Friends Forever Justice League tee. Since the shirt itself is fitted, I definitely had to be sure whatever I wore underneath wouldn’t bunch up under the shirt and this sheer collared shirt ended up…