Ready For Adventure
People deal with stress in many different ways. Besides retail therapy, which I truly believe works, I will once in a while just lock myself in a room for an entire weekend and play video games. I recently had one of those weekends and decided that my game of choice was going to be the original Uncharted. I have been a huge fan of the Uncharted series (read my review of Uncharted 3 here), but had never played the first installment in…
Packing Tips 101
So you’re going on vacation and have no idea what to pack? I decided to write up some packing tips since I’ll be going on short vacation soon for about 10 days. Someone recently gave me some great advice when it comes to de-cluttering my house/closet/life. “There are really just a few things we need in life. Pretend you’re going on vacation and bring only the things you need.” It’s so true. With the tons of clothes that I own,…
Wonder Wear
I’ve always wanted to cosplay as Wonder Woman – she’s strong, feminine, and looks so regal! But like most cosplayers will tell you, cosplay to your body type. And well… I’m built more like a string bean than a super hero! Still, it doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate this great Wonder Woman tee featuring issue #212, which was the first issue in the start of “The Twelve Labors” series. It’s a classic cover and I felt it was only…
DIY Comic Strip Nails Tutorial
I’ve been seeing a lot of funky DIY nails all over the web and I thought I had seen it all until my friend showed newspaper print nails. Pretty cool idea, right? Anyhow, this gave me the idea to try it with comic books! Unfortunately after some trial and error and sacrificing one old comic book from the late ’80s (it was a piece of crap anyways), I found out that this bizarre trick only works with newspaper even though you…
I Only Date Superheroes
With the huge surge of comic book related movies lately, it’s only fitting that stores like Forever 21 would start carrying “trendy” comic book tops. I still can’t believe that we’re at a point where women’s comic book tops are hip! This “I only date superheroes” Avengers tank caught my eye and I knew it would make an interesting pairing with a skirt and some heels. On a side note, I’ve also been loving this quilted tote from Forever 21.…
Stormtroopers and Mixed Prints
I’ve always been amazed at how stylists can mix and match prints so well, especially when you’re dealing with a lot of complex colors and patterns. Well, I am no pro so I decided to keep things pretty simple. My general rule here was to keep the prints simple and make sure all the colors complemented each other. I also decided to take my previously mentioned DIY Star Wars headband and use that as my latest accessory to today’s outfit. How’s…