San Diego Comic Con 2011 Photo Recap
Photoblog recap of San Diego Comic Con 2011, instagram style!
For the Honor of Grayskull…. I AM SHE-RA!
It’s only one day after San Diego Comic Con 2011 and I am already missing it. Being She-Ra was amazing and for once, I actually did not mind stopping for pictures (the kids were the cutest!). I loved that people told me I brought them back to their childhood and that tons of women stopped me to tell me She-Ra was their hero.
Cosplay Tutorial: Boot Covers
So my first order of business for starting my She-Ra cosplay was to make boot covers. I actually thought this would be a simple task consisting of 1) some spandex fabric 2) making 2 pieces and sewing it in a boot shape 3) wearing it like a sock over an old pair of high boots. Well, apparently finding gold spandex fabric is much harder than I thought. Had I known that, I would have ordered some through Spandex World!
San Diego Comic Con Cosplay Preview
I am just about done with my cosplay for this years San Diego comic con! woo hoo! Here’s a preview. Stay tuned for some tutorials including how to use Wonderflex, boot covers, using foam, and making armor and head pieces!
Star Wars Chibis!
Can I have a print of this?
Retro Comic Art
Awesome retro comic art. Full flickr set can be found here! I love retro style geek art. There have been some really amazing Star Wars, gaming, and comic art around the web. I wish I could buy it all!