Cosplay Update – Wondercon 2013
Another cosplay update! Wondercon is less than two weeks away and no matter how much advance prepping I do, it always seems to be down to the wire. I’m especially busy since I’ll be traveling prior to Wondercon and need to make sure everything is wrapped up before next week. Eek!
Since my last update, I’ve been wrapping up my Nathan Drake cosplay and sort of just starting out on my Princess Bubblegum cosplay. I finally got around to cutting my PB wig and started testing out some makeup for her zombified look. Yup, as you can tell, I’ll be cosplaying zombie Princess Bubblegum, complete with grey skin and lab coat. I’m hoping that I can shock a few people with my creepy PB look, especially since I’ll just look like a typical PB from behind. hehe.
As for my Nathan Drake’s cosplay, I’ve been finishing the holster, making the ammo sash, and gathering the rest of the accessories. It took a bit of planning on how I would incorporate the ammo in the front sash and how I would design the back part of the sash, but I’m pretty excited about the results. I was really tempted to distress everything and make it super dirty, but decided to just keep it the way it is for now.
Here’s the front part of the sash that holds the ammo in place.
And the back part of the sash with lots of pockets.
Here I’ve added a strap around the holster (and also added another concho later on). The last step was to finish the leather, make holes for sewing the edges (I used nails to make the holes), and then to hand sew the rest of it and trim off the excess.
And now that I’ve tried on all the pieces, I’m just crossing my fingers that everything stays in place! I also decided to purchase Drake’s belt buckle and Sir Francis Drake’s ring that came with the Collector’s Edition Uncharted 3 set. Considering I am a huge fan of the series, having those two things is a pretty awesome addition to my collection.
Anyways, it’s almost there and I’m super excited to finally get to wear these two cosplays next week! Hope to see you at the con!