Comikaze 2014 (Part 2) – Adventures of Rocket Raccoon
I may have been sick the entire weekend of Comikaze, but that didn’t stop me from having a great time there. Cosplaying as Rocket Raccoon was probably just the motivation I needed to get my sick butt out of bed and put on a costume. And even though I couldn’t eat all day and was sniffling like crazy, I had so much fun being a bad ass not-so-furry hero with a big ass gun. I probably stopped every Guardians of the Galaxy character I saw to take a photo with them (big thanks to Betty and Crystal for being my “handlers” and helping me out when needed), but one of my favorite things was letting little kids hold my giant gun. I really wish I had gotten more photos of those moments, but at least I captured a few. On top of taking a ton of photos and checking out all the costumes, I had a great time browsing the booths, attending panels, and chatting with friends, old and new.
Considering this was my first Comikaze event, I was really impressed with the size of the floor and the variety of events they had going on. Not only were there lots of great vendors, but they were nicely spaced out so that it wasn’t jam packed everywhere. Also, one thing Comikaze did differently compared to other cons I’ve been to was that they had a main “center stage” where they would feature some awesome panels and special guests. The fact that this was a stage and not a room pretty much meant it was free standing room meaning no camping out in lines, a great view, and flexibility to go “in” and “out”. Out of all the panels there, I was actually really excited to attend the Teen Titans Go panel that featured almost all the voices from the show! Even though Greg Cipes, the voice of Beast Boy, was missing, it was still a great panel with lots of energy and fun voice acting. Here’s a little clip I took from it.
As for the rest of the con, I’ll let the photos speak for themselves. Enjoy!
And here are just a FEW of the other fellow Guardians of the Galaxy cosplayers I ran into!
Can’t to see what Comikaze has in store for next year as it’s only going to get bigger and better!