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Out of Hibernation

R2D2 Scarf and Plaid Tunic

When people ask me how I’m doing these days, I tell them that one of the best things about recovering has been getting my taste buds back. For someone who loves food and sweets, it’s been incredibly hard these past few months to bite into something and have it taste like cardboard! You would think that not being able to taste food would make you eat less, but I think it unfortunately had the opposite effect! My cravings for sugar and especially salt made me want to reach for everything, in hopes that there was a small chance that maybe I could taste that item instead of it being a bland disappointment. Of course all this eating (on top of all the drugs they gave me) has made me want to just wear tunics, leggings, and cover myself up with cute scarves like this R2D2 one! Hopefully I’ll be able to hide behind this “hibernation weight” for now, but in the meantime, it’s time to hit the gym!

R2D2 Scarf and Plaid Tunic R2D2 Scarf and Plaid Tunic R2D2 Scarf and Plaid Tunic R2D2 Scarf and Plaid Tunic R2D2 Scarf and Plaid TunicThe Goods:

  • Plaid Tunic Dress (Zara, buy here, similar here and here)
  • R2-D2 Scarf (Think Geek, buy here)
  • Charcoal Leggings (Lou & Grey, buy here)
  • Jewelry: Rings and Bracelet (& Other Stories), Watch (Casio)
  • Two-Tone Leather Transport Tote (Madewell, buy here) w/Talking Chewbacca Plush Clip (buy here)
  • High Tops (Converse, similar here)


  • Crystal

    Oh man, tell me about it! Hibernation weight over here as well. Except in my case I kept eating like I always do but couldn’t work out, so I haven’t burned any of the excess I typically do. Definitely hitting the gym more now, especially in anticipation of SVCC and WonderCon. Tunic/leggings is like my uniform in general though, haha. Love this look!

    • emilyo

      I know what you mean about leggings. But they are so dangerous too b/c nothing is informing you about any weight gain! However, I feel so gross in my jeans that it’s all leggings for me too. :(

  • Adream

    Omg you’re so cute and fine that way. And this R2-D2 scarf, omg just perfect. I need it with my R2-D2 wallet and my R2-D2 bag xD but I don’t think I would wear it as well as you :'(

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