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Pool of Friends

We Love Fine Deadpool DressSDCC might have been two weeks ago, but it’s definitely still on my mind. It almost feels like it was all a dream – the anticipation leading up to preview night, the anxiety of trying to get those special tickets in order to buy exclusive toys, and the major FOMO of everything on the con floor. I spent numerous years going to SDCC with a couple of friends and sometimes just my husband (boyfriend at the time), but it’s only in the past 2-3 years that I’ve really started to appreciate having like minded friends there with me. Sure, it definitely makes the living situation tight and we realize not everyone can stay together at all times, but I have probably had more fun these past few years than I did when I first started going to SDCC over 10 years ago!

Yeah, yeah… I know I have “con depression” and “con withdrawal”, but sometimes you just have to soak it up and dwell in it. Maybe it’s that Jyn Erso action figure you waited 6 hours to get, or the poster swag up on your wall, or even the Deadpool dress you picked up that will always remind you of this year’s SDCC. In the end, sure it’s just “stuff”, but the thing is, all these items are what remind me of the fun and crazy times with friends. And that’s what matters. :)

We Love Fine SDCC Deadpool Dress

We Love Fine SDCC Deadpool Dress  We Love Fine SDCC Deadpool Dress
We Love Fine SDCC Deadpool Dress
We Love Fine SDCC Deadpool Dress  We Love Fine SDCC Deadpool Dress
The Goods:


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