Lady Ren
With all that’s happened to me these past 6 months or so, it’s crazy to think about what I was doing just one year ago. I was definitely at a high, having just gotten accepted into the Her Universe Fashion Show and I had just started material shopping for my “She is Groot” dress. Finishing that dress was quite a milestone for me and it’s crazy to think how much has happened since then. This past weekend was coincidentally the deadline to submit designs for…
Wondercon 2016 – Recap
I have to admit I was a little disappointed when I found out Wondercon would be at the LA Convention Center this year. No more familiarity, no more big fountain in front, and no more post con trips to Disneyland. However, after spending 3 days at Wondercon, the LA Convention Center really did start to grow on me. True, the exhibit hall was a bit too dim, giving all cosplayers even more reason to stay out in the entrance lobby, but that was a blessing in…
Wondercon 2016 – Geek Wars Panel and Cosplay Lineup!
Wondercon is just around the corner and for those who have had trouble finding me in the past, I’ll try to make this easy for you!
The Invasion is Over
Today marks a pretty special day for me as I am officially 3 weeks past my last chemo treatment! To explain the significance of “3 weeks”, my chemo regimen was every 3 weeks and it would usually take just about 3 weeks for my body to heal in between treatments. Which also meant by the time I started to feel a little more normal again, it was time for another treatment. BUT today is different since I have no more chemo!! :D :D :D When…
All Ears
I love beanies in the winter. But considering that I’m rarely seen without one in public these days has made them almost as mundane as wearing socks (although socks can be quite fun sometimes). Sure, it’s perfect right now because of the cold weather, but the challenge comes when I want to wear something nicer. A beanie doesn’t exactly go that well with a fancy dress, know what I mean? And as fun as wigs can be, they are uncomfortable and a hassle…
Into the Trenches
As I enjoy this time before my 4th and last chemo treatment next week, I’m faced with not only excitement, but also many worries and fears about my future. It may seem like things are finally “over”, but there’s still a laundry list of things I’ll need to deal with such as hormone treatments, residual side effects such as fatigue, and overall just trying to feel like myself again. I met with the doctor this week and went in thinking this would be an…