Good Motivators
It’s crazy to think that exactly one year ago, my world was turned upside-down when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s still hard to even type that out today – in fact, sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago that I was dealing with all that stress. I was in total disbelief, felt so overwhelmed, and had no idea how I was going to take this on. Well, as you can see, I made it out A-OK and learned a…
In the Name of the Moon
When it comes to female fans, you really cannot pinpoint one type of fangirl. Some love only Star Wars, some love only comics, others are hardcore gamers. But there’s one fandom that I’ve found that so many women do have in common and that’s Sailor Moon. I think most girls experience Sailor Moon in some shape or form while growing up – for me, that came in the form of Japanese art books that my dad would buy for me overseas. I poured through…
The Alien Bunch
I’m definitely holding on to these last days of August and taking advantage of any occasion to wear shorts, sandals, and short sleeves. The end of summer also means the end of BBQs and I don’t know about you, but I haven’t had enough! Since Labor Day weekend is just about to cap off the end of summer, I decided to plan ahead and figure out a cute, but geeky “BBQ ready” outfit. This alien Brady Bunch tee is definitely a great conversation…
Battle Souvenirs
I never knew why these were called “Souvenir Jackets”, but apparently it’s because American soldiers in Japan started to embroider Asian symbols (like dragons, cherry blossoms, etc.) onto their jackets as “souvenirs” for their trip home after WWII. Regardless of their origin, I’ve been loving these bomber style jackets as a summer and fall trend and wearing one just made me wonder what would be my post-battle “souvenir” (or maybe more like “war wound” for me) since I just had my 6 month…
Back to the Park
It’s back to school season and even though I am long beyond ever going back to school, today I felt like a kid again in my Disney tee, jeans, and sneakers. I don’t often wear Mickey stuff outside of Disneyland, but I loved the design on this one so much that I made an exception. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always felt that a lot of the women’s apparel at the Disney parks could use a bit of a makeover…
Galactic Heroines
Hopefully by now you’ve all seen the Rogue One trailer and liked it as much as I did. I can’t wait for this movie to come out, especially because it’s the first standalone movie and not a direct prequel or sequel of any of the other films. It’s pretty crazy to think that there will be a new Star Wars movie out every single year until 2020 and on top of that a new Star Wars Land opening up at Disneyland!…