• Fashion,  Geek Fashion,  Outfit of the Day

    Sneakers with Dresses

    One look I absolutely love is the sneakers with dresses look. Although you’re essentially making the look more dressed down, it’s a really fun way to add some variety and throw in an unexpected element to any outfit. It can make a party dress look instantly cooler, make a summer…

  • Fashion,  Outfit of the Day

    Summertime Boots

    When I think of summer, one item of clothing really comes to mind – sandals. Which means that that my favorite pair of boots could potentially be left in the dark for up to 4 months! But knowing me, I’ll definitely find a way to wear them. One of my…

  • Fashion,  Geek,  Geek Fashion,  Outfit of the Day

    I Only Date Superheroes

    With the huge surge of comic book related movies lately, it’s only fitting that stores like Forever 21 would start carrying “trendy” comic book tops. I still can’t believe that we’re at a point where women’s comic book tops are hip! This “I only date superheroes” Avengers tank caught my…

  • DIY,  Fashion,  Geek,  Geek Fashion,  Star Wars,  Toys

    DIY: Geeky Headbands

    Ever since seeing these comic book exclamation headbands on etsy (here and here), I’ve been wanting to make some sort of geeky headbands that would be subtle enough to even wear to work. I thought about using a micro machine as an accessory like Jennifer Landa did with her Millennium Falcon ring,…

  • Fashion,  Outfit of the Day,  Toys

    Going Native

    I’ve personally never really been a fan of tribal prints. I think they remind me of MC Hammer pants from the ’90s. But lately, I’ve been really drawn to aztec prints that have simple colors and simple shapes. Maybe it’s my logical left brain that likes the geometric shapes mixed…