Cosplay for a Cure – Store Now Open!
Thank you everyone who shared, commented, and took my poll! Everyone has been super supportive through all of this and I’m happy to announce that my cosplay print store is officially OPEN! I spent all weekend researching and figuring out how exactly to run one of these things and I’m super excited to get started! Again, all proceeds will be going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. While I do also believe in supporting early detection, I wanted the main purpose of my donation to…
Cosplay for a Cure
*UPDATE! Thanks to your votes, the store is now open here! Order away!!* If there’s anything “good” about having cancer or being sick, it’s realizing how many people care about you. Just when I was feeling very accepting of my situation and feeling like I was ready to share my situation with the internets, in came a flood of responses to my last post. Many of you shared your own personal struggles with your health as well as experiences caring for loved ones and…
The Ultimate Showdown – Emily vs. Cancer
This is the post I’ve been dreading to write, the one I have no idea how to even start. I mean, how do you go about telling people news about your health? “Hello, I have breast cancer.” At first I was telling people in person, one by one, but quickly realized that trying to hold it together was impossible. I wrote a mass email to some close friends, but that was equally difficult. Every reply back I received made me break…