• Fashion,  Gaming,  Geek,  Geek Fashion,  Other

    Armed and Ready

    With all that’s been going on with me this past month – multiple visits to the doctor’s, getting poked and prodded with tons of needles, and just feeling worn out inside and out, it’s times like this where I really feel like insides need to feel like my outsides. I promise I’ll go into more details about my condition soon, but today I’m going to be fighting an uphill battle, just waiting for things to be over. It’s going to be a long…

  • Fashion,  Gaming,  Geek,  Geek Fashion,  Other,  Outfit of the Day

    Praise the Sun!

    When you have enough hobbies like I do in addition to a full time job, it’s always a struggle to find a good chunk of time to play video games. I don’t know about you, but I always feel like I’m one step behind when it comes to keeping up with the latest games! Maybe it’s me getting older or being busy, but it’s been almost a year since I beat Dark Souls and it’s only recently that I just…